Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Getting Ready For Our RV Adventure

We have been working tirelessly to get ready to start our RV adventure! Our business has sold. We have officially completed the transfer and training that we agreed to do with the new company.

Brent has organized the shop! With some help the sheds have been emptied. The tumble weeds,  “communist thistles” as Grace says, which have blown in from the winter and spring winds have been collected and burned. The yard is greening up … the dogs are wondering what in the heck we are doing.

35 boxes of old files were burned … well 17 and the rest were shredded. 

Then came packing up the house and moving it into the shop or the RV depending on what we needed in the RV. Lots of organizing and purging occurred.

The RV got some long awaited upgrades … a new window in the bedroom, new recliners in the living room, front and rear Sumo Springs, front and rear Bilstein Shocks, as well as front and rear Sway Bars. There is still a pretty extensive list of “projects” to do such as install a Max Fan in the air vent of the kitchen, hang curtains to give some privacy to Grace in the bunk, replace skylight in bathroom shower, change the oil on the generator, check the water in the batteries, install the tow equipment on the tow vehicle and so much more.

We found a tenant for our home … a lovely young couple with a baby boy on the way and a dog. They move in on the 15th of June … so we need to be finishing soon.

Marianne’s dad came for a visit. Brent’s mom and dad came for a visit. Marianne and Grace got COVID … so more pressure on Brent to get things done as the sickies slept and slept and tried to get healthy again.

Now we are just a 7 days away from our departure date.

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