Friday, July 15, 2022

Fun in Seaview, WA and Long Beach, WA

We have had some really nice days and nights while we have been at the beach. The WA coast can be unpredictable, but it’s been great! Tuesday we will have been here for 3 weeks. A few misty mornings, a couple rainy days but mostly 70-75 degree days. Of course the wind has been hit and miss but mostly a light breeze.

This retirement thing takes some getting used to … I am still checking my email, responding to messages and chats … calling owners and such …but I’m down to maybe 8-10 hrs per week … at least that’s my perspective … you might hear a different number from Brent! LOL!

This week I took a trip to Seaside for some acupuncture at Healthy Hub Massage and Wellness with Dr. Coke. She was wonderful. I love acupuncture but haven’t had it for years. Then I also went to EarthLight Massage in Long Beach for a massage with Terralar. Wow! I would recommend either of these lovely practitioners with 6 out of 5 stars!

The rest of our week has been spent relaxing. I finished my audio book The Edelweiss Sisters by Kate Hewitt. I really enjoyed it. I really like historical fiction books. This one is set in Austria during WW2. It is about a family with 3 grown daughters. They even sing in a music festival that the Von Trapp Family Singers appeared in prior to Anschluss or annexation of Austria by Germany. I will definitely read/listen to  more books by this author. Do you prefer to hold an actual book/tablet and read or listen to an audio book?

I started a new book called The Resistance Girl by Mandy Robotham. It’s set in Norway during WW2. I have never read any stories from Norway and I am enjoying it.

Grace decided to get wet the other night during our walk on the beach. Here’s a fun picture of her in the setting sun! The outside temperature was about 70 degrees with no wind and the water was a balmy 54 degrees.

We did something kind of fun today. If you are from Moses Lake or have been to visit we have have a hometown pizza place there called Chico’s Pizza Parlor. It’s been there since 1958. Chico’s was a franchise that only has 3 locations left … Moses Lake,WA, Seaview, WA and Lynnwood, CA. Well since we are in Seaview we thought we’d visit it! They make their pizzas a little different than the Moses Lake ones, but they were still really tasty and it was super fun to visit.

Brent’s been trying to solve two logistics problems in our RV. He’s being an inventor … so far he has fixed the problem we were having with the bassets getting out of the pen we use to let them out of the RV to take care of their “business”. He took a trip to Home Depot and came back with parts that would keep them in as they love to wander the park … yes they are microchipped … but still we don’t want them wandering without us and their leashes. LOL! The 2nd issue we are having is keeping the refrigerator and freezer closed when turning corners in the RV. There are some after market items that can be installed, like child locks etc, but they are cumbersome when you live in it full time … so my inventor is working on a solve … this took a trip to Home Depot, Ace Hardware and I’m not sure where else but he’s having fun so that’s what’s important.

Grace has been doing her usual things … swimming, dancing around, walking Honey and her chore … picking up dog “business”.

What are you doing with your summer? 


  1. Sounds so amazing so far and I know you are only in the infant stages of your trip!
    Love hearing about your audio books. I keep thinking I’d like to do that in my commute to/from work but haven’t. Which program/app do you use to listen to them?

    1. I use Audible from Amazon. I love listening in the car!

  2. Ok I just figured out how to get my name to appear!! ๐Ÿ™„


On South to California

We are continuing on our travel south ... California is our next destination. We will be in California from August 10th to October 10th. We ...