Saturday, August 27, 2022

Finishing Up Our Seaside Visit

Wow! I am so far behind on my blog. Now it seems like an insurmountable task to get caught up … but I am going to break it up into smaller bites and individual blog posts that will be pretty close together!

Grace and I made the trip back to Moses Lake to be with our friends and celebrate the life of LuDeen Earl. The visit was fun! On Friday we got to see our friend Heather and go swimming in her pool. I went to my old office and saw Laura and Cindy. That was fun!

The viewing and the funeral were beautiful. We were so blessed to see so many friends and family of LuDeen and enjoyed hearing their stories about her and her life. We spent the time at Pat and Lori’s house and were surrounded by them, their kids and grandkids. It was nice to spend time with them and eat some of LuDeen’s special spaghetti sauce for dinner one night! Cassidy’s daughter, Haven, calls Grace her Baby … Grace is holding her in the pictures.

The weekend went fast for us but we knew we needed to get back to Brent and the dogs! Brent kept busy doing projects and taking care of the dogs while we were gone. We only had a few more days at Seaside and those were taken up with walks downtown and on the beach, gelato, seafood and other fun touristy things. We even fit in a trip to feed my Thai food cravings at Thai Me Up! It was so good even Grace and Brent who aren’t really Thai fans loved their food!

When we leave Seaside our trip is going to focus on family for about a week before we head south to California.

On South to California

We are continuing on our travel south ... California is our next destination. We will be in California from August 10th to October 10th. We ...