Thursday, June 16, 2022

5th Grade Graduation … We have a Middle Schooler!

And just like that we have a middle schooler … time has flown so fast with this girl! I’m so proud of the young woman she is becoming. She is kind, loving, courteous, courageous and fun to be around! She loves to hang out with her parents and her dogs. She enjoys playing with other kids and makes friend easily. She is not shy. She is funny and has a quick wit like her father. 

She navigated Brick and Mortar school for Kindergarten thru middle of 2nd Grade and then we made the switch to WAVA virtual school. When COVID hit she didn’t even miss a beat because we were already fully engaged in virtual school. 

She is a great reader, excellent at math but really loves history!

She still has the same best friend Zoe! They met in preschool and even though Zoe moved 100 miles away they have kept in touch and love to be together. They text and FaceTime quite a bit too!

Grace we are so proud of you! We can’t wait to see what the middle school years bring for you! Stay Sweet! You are loved! You are enough! You can do hard things!


Momma and Dad

1 comment:

  1. She is all that and much,much more♥️ Love you baby girl šŸ˜ papa and baby


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